Sunday, January 9, 2011

Online Piracy, hmmm not actually!!

Online piracy has been becoming a menace day by day and year by year according to legitimate sources. Lot of people nowadays do not see the necessity to buy music or movies as they feel that they are being overcharged. It is more convenient for the consumers to sit at home and download whatever they feel like watching or listening to for free instantaneously from torrents, peer-to-peer sharing and latest of all ‘Online streaming’. 

Online sites like YouTube have become some of the most viewed sites in the world. People and companies upload movies, music, sitcoms and others watch this. There are sites like and many other sites which help convert help in free conversion of the video to the required MP3 files. Does this mean the consumers can be accused of piracy? I would strongly say ‘No’ because these websites are legitimate, legally working and people use them all the time. Most of the consumers who use these websites are unaware that they are indulging in acts of piracy. So who has to be blamed? The ISPs, the Government, the websites or the consumers?? Firstly the rules of piracy have to be well defined. For example:  If my buddy and me are watching live streaming of a Heat game on my laptop, does it mean they we are indulging in an act of piracy. If not, they why are the Governments not forcing down shutting of these website. I feel so because this is not being used by any of us for commercial purposes or to make money out of it. Streaming has become are very widely used way to watch practically anything on the internet live. You can even stream a video live from your phone and your friends could watch it live on their laptop. Is this piracy? shows a well described review about online streaming piracy.   

If online piracy is being dealt with then, why are more and more of these trademark companies being incorporated who have subscribers and themselves upload videos, let others view them and watch. At a contrary, I also know that artists and music companies who are losing money and the artist deserves his share because it is the artists’ talent which makes him special. But with online streaming , It is becoming nearly impossible  to repair this. I do not feel it is illegal to watch, download videos from YouTube or to watch live channels on In order to control this the Governments and all the Anti-Piracy boards have to come up with clearer rules of how they would define piracy and control it worldover.  

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